Power Distribution Unit PDU

  • PDU basic
    PDU basic

    High-end IT rack power distribution: Robust PDU with compact basic power distribution for the IT environment.


  • PDU metered
    PDU metered

    High-end IT rack power distribution: Smart PDU with energy measurement per phase, i.e. output requirement of an entire IT rack


  • PDU metered plus
    PDU metered plus

    High-end IT rack power distribution: Smart PDU with energy measurement per slot, i.e. output requirement for each individual consumer.


  • PDU switched
    PDU switched

    High-end IT rack power distribution: Smart PDU with measurement function per phase and individually switchable output slots.


  • PDU managed
    PDU managed

    High-end IT rack power distribution with energy measurement and monitoring functions for each individual output slot. Input with CEE connector (16 A/32 A) with C13 and C19 outputs.


  • PDU accessories
    PDU accessories

    Slot covers for slots that are currently unused, connector locks to protect against accidental removal, and mounting adaptors for mounting PDUs in network enclosures TE 8000


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