Accessories for climate control

Project planning/monitoring

One key criterion of efficient climate control is the optimum design, control and monitoring of the installation. Our user-friendly tools and software solutions help you to calculate climate control requirements and assist with the diagnosis and analysis of products.

Project planning/monitoring


Our new RiTherm planning software, now integrated into the Eplan Cloud, redefines efficiency and strikes the perfect balance between cost-effectiveness and climate protection when planning your enclosure climate control.

RiMatrix Data Center

Discover our complete OT solution for a cooling capacity up to 400 kW per module. From planning to after-sales service – We empower IT.

Discover our complete OT solution for a cooling capacity up to 400 kW per module. From planning to after-sales service – We empower IT.

Sustainability that works

Minimising CO₂ emissions – the Blue e+ way

Discover the world's most efficient climate control solutions and smart service concepts to help reduce the carbon footprint of your machines and systems.

Decision making aid

How do I find the appropriate climate control solution?

Learn more about the different types of climate control and their advantages. We help you find the optimal solution for your requirements quickly and easily.