Laser machining

Machine options for machining centres LC

Superbly coordinated range for extending Perforex laser centres LC.

Machine options for machining centres LC

Safety roof for Perforex LC 3030

Safety roof of the machine housing for Perforex laser centres LC. Mandatory for all machine installation locations that can be viewed from above and for reflective objects located above the laser, such as lights, cable ducts and others.

Machine options for machining centres LC

Subassembly for Perforex LC 3030

Option of positioning the units on either the left or right of the machine.

Machine options for machining centres LC

Housing of subassembly platform for Perforex LC 3030

Unit platform housing for Perforex LC analogous to the machine housing.

Machine options for machining centres LC

Thread tapping option for Perforex LC 3030

Thread tapping option for Perforex laser centre LC including thread tappers and clamping jaws for M3 – M10.

Machine options for machining centres LC

Multi-part machining for Perforex LC 3030

Additional zero points and workpiece supports for Perforex LC for simultaneously clamping up to four workpieces.

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