
Power Distribution Unit, PDU

  • PDU Basic
    PDU Basic

    Rittal's Basic PDU products provide reliable power distribution for equipment racks and other data center applications. User-friendly features include a combination of white and black outlets to easily distinguish between each branch circuit.


  • PDU local metered
    PDU local metered

    High-end power distribution with local measurement of consumption data – ideally suited for use in modern server racks and colocation data centers.


  • PDU Accessories
    PDU Accessories

    Slot covers for slots that are currently unused, connector locks to protect against accidental removal, and mounting adaptors for mounting PDUs in network enclosures TE 8000


  • PoE controller
    PoE controller

    Spare parts for PDU metered, PDU switched, PDU managed, PDU metered + emergency supply of the PDU webserver via PoE


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