Deutsche Beverage

A clean brew

Artisan breweries specialising in brewing craft beers are springing up all over the USA. These special ales are brewed with systems from Deutsche Beverage, the specialist for tanks, pipes, fermenters and other components needed by breweries to produce drinks of the highest quality. The Rittal VX25 enclosure system is there too.


Deutsche Beverage
Charlotte, North Carolina, USA

Very tight timeframe when producing brewery systems

Easy cleaning of enclosures

Baying of enclosures



Usage of stainless-steel and NEMA12 of Rittal enclosues

Easy to clean and disinfect

Support of Rittal Modification Center helps cut labour costs and delivery times

Rittal Customer Service and technical support 

Deutsche Beverage from Charlotte, North Carolina, is firmly convinced that behind every great beer there is a great brewing system. And for that you need great enclosures. Because beverage producers do not want to worry about their production facilities and certainly not about the associated enclosures. “Rittal enclosures help our customers most of all because they don't have any problems with them,” stated a company spokesperson. Requirements also include the very tight timeframe that customers demand to deliver their system. Here, the suitable enclosure, delivered quickly, can make a considerable contribution to meeting these tight schedules. 

Many good reasons to choose Rittal

Deutsche Beverage uses stainless-steel and NEMA12 versions of Rittal enclosures for the brewing systems. This makes it easy to clean and disinfect the enclosure. For brewers, this provides the certainty that brewing processes can be performed in a clean and compliant manner.

The enclosures can also be bayed, usually making more floor space available for the brewery. Moreover, the machining of enclosures, which Rittal offers via its Modification Center, helps cut labour costs and delivery times. Customer service and technical support were other reasons why Deutsche Beverage chose Rittal. Then Rittal’s service makes business transactions easier thanks to the faster processing of quotations, CAD drawings, customer-specific orders and enclosure modifications it permits. “We appreciate the fact that Rittal's support staff are available to answer questions from our beverage customers about their new enclosure configurations,” Deutsche Beverage told us.

Brewers rely on Deutsche Beverage to expand and maintain the continuity of their operations. Deutsche Beverage makes it easy to set up and start brewing regardless of the final product. In addition, Rittal helps Deutsche Beverage ensure its systems' quality and meet compliance regulations.