A leading US telecoms provider required IT enclosures, including cooling and monitoring, that could be flexibly configured for a new research and testing facility. The aim was to install as many racks as possible in laboratory and testing rooms of greatly varying size – but typically with tight space constraints. At the same time, the customer needed maximum reliability from the solution as a whole, and end-to-end monitoring of critical components. The goal was system availability of 100 per cent. These multiple combined requirements made the project a significant challenge for Rittal’s experts.
Rittal developed a solution based on modular housings that could be customised to each specific room. It comprised pre-assembled modular TS IT server racks of various dimensions, pre-configured with LED lighting, cable and airflow management, and additional accessories. The system design also included highly energy-efficient Rittal Blue e+ cooling units.
Monitoring was implemented by means of Rittal CMC III. This allows cooling and ambient conditions to be observed in real time, and helps administrators to identify faulty components. Automatic door openers for the IT racks and extractor fans maximise IT component availability by providing backup protection in the event of a cooling system failure. In the testing and laboratory area, electronically commutated (EC) fans were deployed for additional hot-air removal and as a further safeguard against downtime. Moreover, redundant IT cooling helps meet the exceptionally high uptime requirements – which is especially important when the customer performs durability tests on ICT equipment.
The IT enclosures’ high availability, flexibility and adaptability will help the telecoms provider to keep pace with evolving research and testing needs. CMC monitoring, in particular, enables operating parameter data to be captured in real time, and ensures rapid resolution of equipment failure by means of convenient remote access via a web portal.
- 项目
- International telecom provider
- 地址
- unspecified, USA
- 分支机构
- IT-infrastructure
- Infrastructure-Telecommunications
- 挑战
System availability of 100 percent
Installation in a confined space
Seamless monitoring of all system components- 解决方案
Modular TS IT server racks in various dimensions, preconfigured with LED lighting, cable and airflow management
Rittal Blue e+ cooling units for high energy efficiency
Seamless monitoring with Rittal CMC III, real-time monitoring of climate control and ambient parameters
Redundantly designed cooling for high availability