Product Introduction

VX and TS Stainless Steel Base/Plinth System conversion

Rittal regularly reviews its product range so that we are always able to offer you clear advantages. In this context, the current VX and TS stainless steel base/plinth systems will be replaced by the new VX stainless steel base/plinth system from 1 September 2024. The current VX and TS base/plinth systems will continue to be available until the end of November 2024, subject to sales.

To make this transition as smooth as possible, we have put together an accompanying conversion aid which will help you convert to the new VX and TS stainless steel versions.

View the corresponding notification letter  here 

View the products and download the conversion aid/help

Conversion Aid

VX and TS Stainless Steel Base/Plinth system

To enable a smooth and quick transition to the new base/plinth system, we have put together a conversion aid of current part numbers to new.


VX and TS Stainless Steel Base/plinth

The VX base/plinth system may be used with almost any enclosure application. As well as a high degree of stability, it also boasts exceptional user-friendliness as well as time savings and brand new configuration options for the base/plinth.