IT monitoring

CMC III – Monitoring system

IT security is now inextricably linked with the Computer Multi Control (CMC) monitoring system. It has become firmly established as a permanent feature of physical IT security, allowing modern IT infrastructures to be operated securely, while at the same time ensuring optimum performance.

CMC III – Monitoring system

CMC III Processing Units

The Processing Unit is the central unit of the CMC III monitoring system. Up to 32/16 external sensors / CAN bus connection units may be connected. The units are connected to the data network via Ethernet and configured via Web/USB. Alarms are sent via...

CMC III – Monitoring system

CMC III control units

For execution of control commands and power supply/regulation of equipment

CMC III – Monitoring system

CMC III sensors

For monitoring physical environmental conditions

CMC III – Monitoring system

CMC III Access systems

For protection against unauthorised access

CMC III – Monitoring system

CMC III power supply

Power packs and connection cables for the power supply of the CMC III components.

CMC III – Monitoring system

CMC III accessories

Mounting units and cable for CMC III.

CMC III – Monitoring system

CMC III redundant alarm channels

Important alarms are forwarded per SMS or displayed directly on a screen on site.