Et strømsvigt kan have kostbare konsekvenser for en maskine, der fremstiller plastemballage. Et typisk eksempel er Tiratex emballeringsanlæg fra Windmöller & Hölscher. Uden strøm ville drivenhederne standse og varmeelementerne svigte. Derved klistrer maskinkomponenterne sammen og kræver en besværlig rengøring, før produktionen kan genoptages. Resultatet er en omkostningstung produktionsafbrydelse, der kan vare i timevis. En nødstrømsforsyning (UPS) kan her være en løsning. Som systemudbyder af styretavleteknologi har Rittal leveret grundlaget for, at UPS-specialisten Wöhrle Stromversorgungssysteme og løsningsudbyderen til industrielle energilagringsløsninger Commeo har kunnet implementere en industrielt kompatibel UPS til maskinkonstruktøren. Resultatet af samarbejdet er udviklingen af et online UPS-system med en modulopbygget lithium-ion-energilagringsenhed, der sikrer drift uden afbrydelser.
Works everywhere: The energy storage solutions from Rittal and Commeo can be used across a wide range of industries and applications. Their modularity ensures an uninterruptible power supply for mission-critical applications in, for example, the IT industry or in high-tech manufacturing processes. Power grid fluctuations can be compensated for by means of their battery buffer and by shifting energy storage and supply over time. Due to their high energy and power density, energy storage systems are also suitable for charging infrastructures in e-mobility or transport applications that use mobile robots or automated guided vehicles (AGVs). By using climate control solutions from Rittal, the energy storage units can also be used outdoors without any problems. Stainless steel housings also make other applications possible, e.g. in food production and processing.
Application examples:
- Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS): The energy storage system from Rittal and Commeo provides the necessary energy in the event of a power failure, thereby creating economic security for companies.
- Peak shaving: A battery storage system designed to precisely meet individual requirements compensates for voltage peaks and can pay for itself in a short time thanks to the resulting lower energy supply costs.
- Charging infrastructure: If an extended grid connection is not possible or economical for electricity charging stations, a battery system offers a viable alternative to increase charging capacity and optimise the energy infrastructure.
Versatility guaranteed: With solutions from Rittal and Commeo, energy storage really gets into gear. The modular, flexible construction system enables simple installation of any energy storage unit in Rittal’s industrial or IT racks. Even large storage challenges are no problem, as several racks right up to containers can be linked and connected together to form a high-performance solution. The result: tailor-made outcomes.
VX25: The platform – from enclosures to cooling
Full industrial compatibility and suitability are the main reasons why the VX25 enclosure system was always going to be used as the basis for Commeo’s energy storage systems. However, there are even more benefits. With a load capacity of 1,500 N, even heavy components can be installed into the frame without any problems. As the frame section has a 25 mm pitch pattern both vertically and horizontally, enclosure expansions are extremely flexible, even beyond the enclosure’s limits. Given the range of enclosure sizes and the option of baying, the enclosures can be scaled up as needed. The protection category is IP 55 as standard, which is ideal if, for example, the energy storage systems are to be installed in harsh environmental conditions. If climate control of the energy storage unit is required, Rittal offers solutions perfectly designed for the specific enclosure system. The use of the compact and test-approved RiLine power distribution system and an IoT connection ensures ideal system monitoring can be put in place for the battery infrastructure.
Further links to Commeo:
Rittal and Commeo: Energy storage for online UPS
As well as charging infrastructures for e-mobility, joint solutions are also available for the emergency power supply of critical production facilities. One such example is the use of energy storage as an uninterruptible power supply in the plastics processing machinery of Windmöller & Hölscher.
Power cuts are a pain and costly, particularly when they bring machines and production to a standstill and can only be recommissioned after complex re-start programmes and costly cleaning processes. An emergency power solution can prevent such horror scenarios. Commeo and Rittal have worked together in an effort to develop a solution for an uninterruptible power supply. Rittal, as a supplier of enclosure system technology, provides the basis on which Commeo, the solution provider for industrial energy storage applications, has built and installed an industrially compatible UPS for the customer: Windmöller & Hölscher, a mechanical engineering company. This collaboration has produced an online UPS system with a modular lithium-ion energy storage unit that ensures a stable and continuous operation.
Styretavlesystem fra Rittal som basis
Ved udviklingen af energilagringsenheden er Commeo gået nye veje for at implementere et system, der er egnet til industrielle formål. "Vi ville under alle omstændigheder integrere lithium-ion-batterierne i et samlet system på en sådan måde, at det færdige system opfylder alle gængse industristandarder," siger Michael Schnakenberg, Administrerende Direktør for Commeo og beskriver dermed et af de centrale krav. Derfor satser virksomheden, når det gælder skabsteknologi, f.eks. på styretavlesystemet VX25 fra Rittal. Dertil kommer, at systemintegratorer som Wöhrle også installerer deres effektelektronik i styretavler fra Rittal. Systemerne er modulopbyggede og består af individuelle energilagringsblokke, hvori de enkelte battericeller samt et batteristyringssystem er placeret. De kan skaleres efter behov. Til dette formål installeres det nødvendige antal energilagringsblokke i en VX25 styretavle sammen med en styringsenhed.
"I modsætning til andre udbydere bruger vi ikke vandkøling til at afkøle vores energilagringsblokke", forklarer Schnakenberg: "Dermed er de absolut vedligeholdelsesfrie og er mindre fejlbehæftede." De enkelte blokke har kun køleribber på aluminiumkabinettet. Varmehåndteringen foregår derefter via styretavlens klimaregulering. Klimareguleringsløsningen kan derefter tilpasses afhængigt af størrelsen på energilageret og de omgivende forhold på installationsstedet. Også her har Commeo fordel af sin systempartner Rittal: Eftersom styretavler og klimaenheder kommer fra samme leverandør, er alle komponenter perfekt afstemt efter hinanden. "Og desuden får vi fordel af klimareguleringssystemer, der er afprøvet i branchen", er Schnakenberg overbevist om.
Verdenspremiere: Industrikompatible UPS'er med lithium-ion-teknologi
"Dette er verdens første lithium-baserede nødstrømsforsyning til industrianlæg," siger Michael Schnakenberg stolt. UPS-enheden består af modulopbyggede energilagringsblokke, som giver en elektrisk ladning på op til 6 C med en effekt på 200 kW på et opstillingsareal, der er mindre end én kvadratmeter. Med disse ydelsesdata kan systemet f.eks. opretholde energiforsyningen til det ovennævnte Tiratex emballeringssystem fra Windmöller & Hölscher, indtil dieselenheden er startet op, så generatoren kan overtage strømforsyningen.
Real-world test
Power cuts are something Windmöller & Hölscher, manufacturers of flexible packaging machinery, cannot afford. If their high-tech systems come to a standstill, hours of production downtime are the consequence. With the joint solution from Rittal and Commeo, however, such power cuts will be a thing of the past in the future. For example, Windmöller & Hölscher’s TIRATEX tape stretching system is supplied with uninterruptible power.