Platforma za vse.

Neskončne možnosti za industrijo in informacijsko tehnologijo.


Rittal – Sistem. Hitreje – bolje – kjerkoli.



Beat the competition with our enclosure and case system, distinguished by its simplicity, assembly-friendliness and versatile functions.


Power distribution

Play it safe with super-flexible power distribution technology. Our tested solutions stand out from the crowd with their simple, safe assembly and user-friendly planning.


Climate control

Boost your efficiency and protect the environment at the same time with our energy-saving, eco-friendly climate control solutions for enclosures and machines.


Rittal Automation Systems

Our range of solutions, from manual tools through to fully automated machine technology, will significantly accelerate your processes.


IT infrastructure

Future-centric solutions for your IT infrastructure are efficient, secure and scalable. Rittal supplies customised complete solutions across the entire spectrum, from micro data centres through to data centres in containers.



A comprehensive range of system accessories for industrial and IT enclosures for infinite possibilities for enclosure population.

Strokovno znanje

Nasveti in namigi

„Kateri razredi zaščite veljajo v Severni Ameriki?“, „"Kakšen je pravilen način ozemljitve kabelskega ščita?“, „Ali potrebujem podstavek/podnožje za ohišje?“ Te in odgovore na nešteto drugih pogostih vprašanj in strokovnih tem o vseh vidikih naših...

Nadomestni deli

Izbira nadomestnih delov

Poiščite ustrezne nadomestne dele za svoje Rittal izdelke.


Stopite v povezano, pametno in trajnostno prihodnost z nami

Rešitve podjetja Rittal poganja digitalizacija, avtomatizacija in industrializacija. Naša filozofija je stalno izboljševanje energetske učinkovitosti in trajnostno delovanje. To zagotavlja, da boste postali zmagovalci digitalne preobrazbe.