95% of companies have boosted productivity, while also improving their products and services, thanks to digitalization.*
*According to the Digital Value 2018 survey of 200 decision-makers from a variety of sectors in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
인클로저 제조에서 생산성을 높이는 핵심은 전체 가치 사슬에서 디지털 통합과 데이터 일관성에 있습니다. 디지털 트윈을 중심으로 한 디지털 프로토타이핑은 처음부터 프로세스와 시스템 간의 신속한 연결을 위한 기반을 제공합니다.
엔지니어링의 모든 측면에서 Eplan 및 Rittal 도구의 전체 범위를 사용할 수 있습니다. Eplan Data Portal을 통해 Rittal 및 기타 제조업체의 최신 제품 데이터에 빠르게 액세스할 수 있습니다. Eplan Pro Panel을 사용하면 3D 지원 설계를 통해 함께 미래를 대비할 수 있습니다.
기술 사양
인클로저 및 및 스위치기어 제조업체는 고객 데이터를 수신한 후 제품 데이터의 가용성, 후속 프로세스(예: 설계 및 작업 준비)에 대한 완전성 및 적합성과 관련하여 이를 검증합니다. 필요한 경우 이에 따라 데이터를 준비해야 합니다. 또한 필요한 모든 인클로저 옵션과 관련 추가 프로세스 단계도 결정됩니다.
Our solutions
- Find standardized and internationally applicable component data quickly and easily
- Benefit from clear time savings during project planning compared to manual processes
- Boost the quality of your documentation significantly
- Keep all your system, machine or building data well-structured and in view at all times
- Preplan fundamental information such as signal, pipework and cable data on a graphical basis for improved guidance
- All relevant staff have easy access to engineering data captured from the early stages of the project – and retain this access throughout and beyond the project
- Using EPLAN Preplanning in the quotation phase and seamlessly transferring data to engineering significantly reduces your development times
- From generating circuit diagrams and assembly layouts to production integration – complete all tasks in a single software package
- By providing order information and comprehensive manufacturing documents, you achieve automated enclosure manufacturing
- You shorten throughput times and costs – at a targeted level of quality
- You work profitably – from an individual project in batch size 1 all the way to volume production
기술 컨설팅 및 디자인
인클로저, 필요한 시스템 액세서리, 배전 및 난방, 냉방 또는 공조를 위한 적합한 솔루션이 정의됩니다.
Our solutions
- Our licence-free modular system ensures you benefit from significantly reduced planning, ordering and assembly outlay – simply select assemblies and place them on the graphic
- Component parts lists, technical credentials and documentation are generated automatically
- Technical support is available from Rittal on request
- Simply select enclosure and accessories and configure your new enclosure with ease
- Cut-outs and drilled holes are planned and visualized in 3D in real time
- Save a lot of time – production documents and data are generated automatically at the end of the configuration process: a CAD file for the entire configuration, a CNC file for straightforward machining, data with customer-specific configurations for forwarding to EPLAN Pro Panel
- After the planning stage, you can submit an enquiry for the configuration or order it online directly
제품 개발
회로도는 한편으로는 필요한 자동화 기술, 기계 또는 시스템에 대한 표준에 따른 기능 설명이며, 다른 한편으로는 제어 기술용 인클로저 생산을 포함하여 제품 제조의 많은 프로세스 단계의 기초입니다. 회로도는 특별히 개발된 ECAD 솔루션으로 생성되며 기계 또는 "완성된 상태"의 제품 문서의 기본 요소입니다.
Our solutions
- Find standardized and internationally applicable component data quickly and easily
- Benefit from clear time savings during project planning compared to manual processes
- Boost the quality of your documentation significantly
- Choose between a graphical, logical or device-based project planning approach to support different working processes
- Auto-connecting allows you to logically connect schematics symbols in no time at all
- Reports such as terminal diagrams, wiring diagrams or bills of materials are generated automatically
- Features for processing bulk data such as "find and replace" and "edit in Excel" accelerate the design process while increasing quality
- Save time by speeding up time-consuming steps and minimizing the need to consult specialist departments
- Macro technology enables you to store standards and expertise in the system so they can be reused later on
- Fluid technology can be planned in line with the latest ISO 1219 or IEC 81346 standards with a mechatronic approach
- Generate circuit diagrams automatically at the touch of a button
- Based on the standardized reuse of EPLAN macros
- Boost quality in electrical and fluid documentation
- Avoid copy and paste problems
- Save on workload and costs
기능 테스트
후속 프로세스에 제공하기 전에 회로도의 관련 표준에 대한 적합성, 완전성 및 정확성을 확인합니다. 이를 통해 명확한 구성 요소 지정이나 전기 연결의 완전한 설명 등과 관련하여 후속 프로세스의 오류를 방지합니다. 이상적으로는 ECAD 소프트웨어의 지원으로 자동으로 수행됩니다.
Our solutions
- Choose between a graphical, logical or device-based project planning approach to support different working processes
- Auto-connecting allows you to logically connect schematics symbols in no time at all
- Reports such as terminal diagrams, wiring diagrams or bills of materials are generated automatically
- Features for processing bulk data such as "find and replace" and "edit in Excel" accelerate the design process while increasing quality
- Save time by speeding up time-consuming steps and minimizing the need to consult specialist departments
- Macro technology enables you to store standards and expertise in the system so they can be reused later on
- Fluid technology can be planned in line with the latest ISO 1219 or IEC 81346 standards with a mechatronic approach
기계적 레이아웃
고객 요구 사항, 위치, 주변 조건 및 필요한 공간(회로도에 명시된 전기 및 유체 기술 구성 요소 설치용)을 고려하여 적절한 유형의 인클로저를 선택하고 치수를 지정하고 필요한 액세서리를 추가합니다.
Our solutions
- Simply select enclosure and accessories and configure your new enclosure with ease
- Cut-outs and drilled holes are planned and visualized in 3D in real time
- Save a lot of time – production documents and data are generated automatically at the end of the configuration process: a CAD file for the entire configuration, a CNC file for straightforward machining, data with customer-specific configurations for forwarding to EPLAN Pro Panel
- After the planning stage, you can submit an enquiry for the configuration or order it online directly
- Find standardized and internationally applicable component data quickly and easily
- Benefit from clear time savings during project planning compared to manual processes
- Boost the quality of your documentation significantly
- From generating circuit diagrams and assembly layouts to production integration – complete all tasks in a single software package
- By providing order information and comprehensive manufacturing documents, you achieve automated enclosure manufacturing
- You shorten throughput times and costs – at a targeted level of quality
- You work profitably – from an individual project in batch size 1 all the way to volume production
디지털 트윈
디지털 트윈을 사용하면 모든 엔지니어링 데이터를 기반으로 인클로저의 가상 3D 모델이 생성됩니다. 디지털 트윈은 기계 가공, 케이블 조립, 배선 및 터미널 조립과 같은 인클로저 제조의 프로세스 단계를 위한 자동화 및 디지털화 옵션뿐만 아니라 수동 프로세스 단계를 위한 다양한 옵션을 제공합니다.
디지털 트윈에는 다운스트림 프로세스에 대한 모든 정보가 포함되어 있으며 각 프로세스 단계에서 필요한 시간에 필요한 만큼 사용할 수 있습니다. 따라서 디지털 트윈은 디지털화의 핵심 요소이며 인클로저 제조 프로세스의 최적화, 자동화 및 산업화를 위한 기반입니다.
Our solutions
- From generating circuit diagrams and assembly layouts to production integration – complete all tasks in a single software package
- By providing order information and comprehensive manufacturing documents, you achieve automated enclosure manufacturing
- You shorten throughput times and costs – at a targeted level of quality
- You work profitably – from an individual project in batch size 1 all the way to volume production
- Find standardized and internationally applicable component data quickly and easily
- Benefit from clear time savings during project planning compared to manual processes
- Boost the quality of your documentation significantly
열 설계
고객 요구 사항, 설치 장소의 주변 조건, 전기 구성 요소 및 해당 전력 손실, 지정된 디지털 트윈 조립 레이아웃은 최적의 공조 솔루션 구성, 치수 지정, 올바른 공기 흐름 분배를 위한 조건을 정의합니다.
Our solutions
- From generating circuit diagrams and assembly layouts to production integration – complete all tasks in a single software package
- By providing order information and comprehensive manufacturing documents, you achieve automated enclosure manufacturing
- You shorten throughput times and costs – at a targeted level of quality
- You work profitably – from an individual project in batch size 1 all the way to volume production
- Avoid planning mistakes thanks to the visualization of hot spots and exclusion zones dictated by ventilation requirements
- Minimize downtimes and reduce the number of service assignments
- Lower costs and improve process quality
- Therm takes care of all aspects of complex calculations for climate control requirements
- Benefit from huge time savings and improved reliability
- The calculation produces an optimum climate control solution
- Find standardized and internationally applicable component data quickly and easily
- Benefit from clear time savings during project planning compared to manual processes
- Boost the quality of your documentation significantly
다음 프로세스 단계로 이동: 조달